Personalised print designs

Choose from our gallery of designs below - or create something completely bespoke

This page is a series of examples for events we’ve done in the past - if you like one we can adapt it, otherwise we can design something completely new and awesome for your day with colours, names, dates, company logos and more to fit what you need. Just ask!

Each of these designs is accompanied by a single photo version. When guests step up to the Selfie Mirror or Icon Booth, they can choose to have one photo; or three photos with ten seconds to change their props between each photo.

Glamour Collection

This collection is for our Icon Booth only and is best used with a plain white background for a gorgeous landscape shot - with colour or black and white photos. We are able to reverse the colours to use them on a plain black background too. It’s perfect for portrait shots and we remove the three photo option when using this style of design


Can I change the amount of photos?
Yes you can! Although three makes optimum use of the space in a print. We’d suggest not doing any more than 4.

Can I used licensed images?
We like to keep it legal so unfortunately we can’t use anything that might be copyrighted, such as Disney images or company logos that you’re not associated with - such as Tik Tok.

Can you match my invites?
We’ll do our very best for you. If your designer for the invites has graphic files they are willing to provide to help, that would be fantastic. Alternatively, you might want to ask them to do it and we can provide info.

Can I design my own?
Sure, just get in touch and we’ll provide you with some guidelines.